Wednesday, February 4, 2009

little bumps

i have this pain.

it wont go away.

i can barely walk or run or do anything without holding my breath to avoid bursting into tears.

my feet hurt. i inherited them from my dad and my mom. naturally. but you see my dad's feet are crazy. 10 little aliens sprouting from two extensions of his body. i also have them. yes it has been very difficult being a girl and having man feet.
danny is nice and calls them little peanuts or cartoon toes (but im not really sure how to take that)

i also have my mom's feet. this is where the pain comes in. from years of wearing stilettos, playing tennis, and step aerobics she developed growths... (if this too much for you, you can now click the tiny little X at the top of your screen). i now have these growths.

i am a little bitter/angry. never was there a warning that one day soccer cleats would come and bite me in the feet or that there would be repercussions for wearing my cowboy boots every possible moment in high school.

i now have these growths.

they scream cuss words at me all day long and tell me to go home. to take off my shoes and have danny give them little massages..

but i have to wait. i work all day until 7:30. and then i can drive home

there i am greeted with scrimps, wine, cheese and my love to rub my little bumps on my feet...

he is wonderful and probably the only thing that keeps from me going crazy right now.

one week from today we will now wither i need surgery to remove the little ones.

i have been referring to the bumps as bumps because i can make an educated guess and say that they are bunions or cysts but i wont really know until next wednesday.

so please pray for the best. pray the pain will just float away...