Sunday, February 22, 2009

Letting go of my coaching clutches

"We need to get you strong!"

Jonny K told me this the other day as I was about do 21-15-9 of over head squats and knees to elbows. So of course we added on the weight.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what makes a phenomenal coach. How do you communicate effectively to get across your expectations and achieve the goals set by the client? How do you know when to push and when to step back and decrease weight? ....

These questions floating around in my head after a while begin to intimidate me into thinking that I wont be on of the "greats" in coaching. I know there is so much to learn. That mindset I think is the first step.

Realizing that I do know some things but still have worlds to learn....

From there.... I think the best thing to do is just start doing!

This past week Danny and I helped out at the gym because Jonny and Marshall were out for a couple of days. It was so good to be on my own without my current coaching clutches. (jonny, marshall, and danny)

I think I gained more confidence and learned more in the past couple of days than I have in a while. Ive realized by doing things that make me incredibly uncomfortable I learn more! And my experience is that much richer, because I actually did it on my own! It makes me grow and be creative and it is just down right good for me!

Recently I have been reading a blog by Melissa Byers. She is a trainer who has some great information on coaching! Check her out if you are interested in this stuff.


Dr. Drew said...

Good work little Jojo! I am a firm believer that growth comes from leaving your comfort zone. Just like strength comes from breaking down your muscles so they can adapt. Can't wait to see you guys!

Melissa Urban said...

Thank you for the link. If there is one thing I took away from my Level I cert, it was "constantly varied". And that means doing things you are good at, AND doing things that scare you. You'll be that much stronger for it, mentally and physically. And in CrossFit (as in life), those two are equally important.

Keep up the great work!

Daniel Morchat said...


I agree! I learn and am encouraged the most when I accomplish something that I was not expecting! Many times life can be arranged to where everything is habit. Training and living life in a "constantly varied" state keeps your body interested, it wakes you up and reminds you that you are alive!

Thank you both for your words of encouragement.
